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3 Tactics to Seamlessly Unite Your GivingTuesday and Year-End Campaigns


It’s the most wonderful—and busiest—time of year! Year-end fundraising kicks off in just a few weeks, which means you’re likely heads down and fine-tuning your plans to make the most of the end of the year.

With a third of all giving taking place in the last month of the year—and a whopping 10% of donations occurring in the last three days of the year—it’s critical to make the most of every campaign moment.

To help ease stress this December, consider uniting your GivingTuesday and year-end campaigns. Not only will this save you hours of strategic development and creative design, but it will also help you take all the hype you generate for GivingTuesday and seamlessly transition it into a steady, high-performing year-end campaign. Here are three ways you can do so.

Establish shared fundraising goals

Setting fundraising goals is a no-brainer. This year, establish shared goals for both GivingTuesday and year-end. This will not only help keep you on track, but also inform your copy and suggested donation amounts throughout campaign materials. Moreover, it will make flipping from GivingTuesday to year-end a more seamless transition.

Roll GivingTuesday into your year-end campaign

Instead of viewing GivingTuesday as an entirely separate campaign, think of it as part 1 of your year-end fundraising efforts. With all the hype surrounding GivingTuesday, it’s a natural launchpad for holiday giving. So instead of recreating the wheel, flip the switch from your GivingTuesday to year-end campaign and continue driving donors to your existing landing page. Make a checklist of everything that will need a quick facelift, from updating graphics on your landing page to replacing all mentions of GivingTuesday with year-end in your communications.

Inspire supporters with social proof

Leverage the momentum you generate from GivingTuesday to help supporters feel more empowered to contribute to your year-end campaign. Share your GivingTuesday results, metrics, and stories to illustrate how impactful your campaign was in achieving your goal. This provides social proof that people believe in your cause and ability to make a difference, making supporters even more inspired to donate.

Looking for more information?

For more information or assistance with your GivingTuesday strategy, check out our 12 Weeks of GivingTuesday resources or contact us at

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