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5 Steps to Wrap Up Your GivingTuesday Campaign


Phew! That was a lot, but oh so rewarding!

GivingTuesday may be in the rearview mirror, but there’s still a few items to check off your to-do list before fully jumping into year-end and next year’s plans. From properly thanking your supporters to tackling housekeeping items to conducting team debriefs, we’ve compiled five ways you can effectively wrap up your GivingTuesday campaign to set yourself up for success for year-end, next year, and future GivingTuesday campaigns.

Say thank you

Show your appreciation for everyone who contributed and supported you this GivingTuesday. Send acknowledgment letters and emails to all those who donated. Write personalized thank you notes to volunteers and staff who put in the hard work and know-how to make this year’s campaign run smoothly and successfully. And post short and sweet video messages on social media to engage with and celebrate all your partners who helped boost awareness for your organization’s GivingTuesday campaign.

Evaluate results

Now that GivingTuesday has come and gone and the dust has settled, meet with your team to review your campaign. Take a closer look at your results, identify what worked—and what didn’t, and peel back the layers on your data: how many individual donations your organization received? What were the most popular ways to contribute? Which channels received the most engagement? What was the average donation amount? Make note of all your key learnings from your data and keep it handy for year-end, future campaigns, and next year’s GivingTuesday planning.

Share top-line results

Your staff, volunteers, and supporters will love celebrating the success of this year’s GivingTuesday campaign with you… so share those top-line details! Send an email to supporters letting them know much money they helped you raised, how many supporters you gained, and the impact it has on your cause. Create a few social media posts with graphics that show how much your organization raised this year. And finally, spread the good news to a wider audience with a press release that highlights a few impactful ways that your organization will use those funds.

Take a moment to celebrate

GivingTuesday is the biggest giving day of the year and requires a LOT of focus and energy. Take a moment to reflect and celebrate this year’s campaign—you and your team earned it! Host a team luncheon or happy hour, share some sweet treats or specialty coffee with staff and volunteers, and don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back. Now get ready for year-end!

Launch year-end fundraising

Take all the momentum from GivingTuesday to swiftly transition to your year-end campaign. Incorporate your GivingTuesday results in your social media content, email copy, and text messages to inspire additional donations to help you reach your goal. Evaluate and segment your lists so you can better personalize communications for those who donated on GivingTuesday and those who didn’t. And instead of completely recreating the wheel, blend your post-GivingTuesday donor roadmap with your year-end messaging and touchpoints. Happy fundraising!

Looking for more information?

For more information or assistance with wrapping up your GivingTuesday campaign and transitioning to year-end, check out our 12 Weeks of GivingTuesday resources or contact us at

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