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National Nonprofit Day: Celebrating Your Favorite Nonprofits


Happy National Nonprofit Day! Enacted in 2017, National Nonprofit Day is a great reminder to celebrate the tremendous impact that nonprofits have on our local communities and around the world. Nonprofits offer crucial educational, health, and social services to those who need support. Moreover, they shine a light on issues, raise vital funds, and empower people to make the world a better place.

This year, we were thrilled to work with our community and discover all the causes that you’re most passionate about. Thank you to everyone who nominated a nonprofit and shared how they’re meaningful for you.

We had such an overwhelming response that we decided to TRIPLE our donation! We’re excited to announce that we’re now awarding $1,000 to three nonprofits… Branch Outreach Center, Compassion First, and Hearing Health Foundation!

  • Branch Outreach Center: Located in Decatur, GA, Branch Outreach Center is an extension of support within the DeKalb County community and helps men, women, and children blossom into their full potential regardless of the obstacles they’re facing. Learn more about Branch Outreach Center and how you can get involved here.
  • Compassion First: Located in Beaverton, OR, Compassion First provides long-term, hope-filled solutions for survivors of sex trafficking and exploitation. Learn more about Compassion First and how you can get involved here.
  • Hearing Health Foundation: Located in New York, NY, Hearing Health Foundation is on a mission to prevent and cure healing loss and tinnitus through groundbreaking research. Learn more about Hearing Health Foundation and how you can get involved here.

And if you’re looking for some ideas to give back and support nonprofits today—or any day— here’s three ways you can do so.

  1. Volunteer at a nonprofit working towards a future that you’d like to see. Figuring out which organization to get involved with may seem like a daunting task. To get started, try writing out two lists: one of all causes that you care about and one of your skills. Most nonprofits have a lot of tasks to accomplish but rarely enough staff to tackle them all. Your specialized skillset—whether it be accounting, social media management, or writing—could be just what an organization needs to further their mission. After that, use resources like VolunteerMatch to see what volunteer opportunities align best with your interests, skillset, availability, and location.
  2. Donate with intention. Once you identify a cause that’s meaningful to you, look into making a donation. And remember, donations can come in a variety of forms: monetary gifts (one-time or recurring), passive contributions via AmazonSmile or rounding up at grocery stores, or food and clothing donations.
  3. Get social with the nonprofits that you care about. Follow your favorite nonprofits on all their social media pages… and then get really social. Engage in the conversations they’re having, share their content, post about why their cause is important to you, invite your friends to follow them, or dedicate your birthday to their cause. And if you’re posting today, don’t forget to use the hashtag #NationalNonprofitDay!

There are so many impactful ways to celebrate and get involved with your favorite nonprofits—and the best part is that no matter what you offer, you’ll be making a big difference.

Questions?We’d love to help.

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