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Breaking Down Barriers: How to Make Your Website ADA Compliant


In the ever-expanding universe of the internet, accessibility isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the guiding principle behind creating inclusive digital spaces. And for nonprofits looking to make a difference, it’s imperative to ensure that your website is ADA compliant.

To help you do so, we’ve broken down a few cardinal rules to abide by and how to utilize the latest technology.

How can you make sure your website is ADA compliant?

There are a few general guidelines you can follow to increase your website’s ADA compliance:

  • Ensure all images have HTML alt tags and titles to provide descriptions for visually impaired users and improve SEO.
  • Include a readable script for all videos to assist those with hearing difficulties.
  • Use high- or low-contrast colors to make reading easier for the visually impaired.
  • Implement assistive technologies that read website text aloud for users who are hearing impaired or speak other languages.
  • Make your website is compatible with screen readers to help users focus on content without distractions.

How can you use AI to enhance your website’s ADA compliance?

There are three AI models that can help you optimize your website’s ADA compliance: machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

  • Machine learning: Improve your web accessibility with machine learning. It’ll take and analyze large data clusters to extract patterns, glean insights, and make predictions to… without any programming. It can help automatically generate alternative text for images and videos, assess your website’s overall accessibility, and flag any concerns based on predefined criteria, saving you time and effort.
  • Natural language processing: With natural language processing, computers can understand and generate natural language. Whether it’s creating captions and transcripts for audio or video content, summarizing web content, or processing user input in chat integrations, this AI model has your back every step of the way in bettering the user experience.
  • Computer vision: If you’re looking to enhance your website’s visual information, this AI model is for you. Computer vision can provide magnification, various contrast levels, and color adjustments to optimize your website for visually impaired individuals. Moreover, it can analyze facial expressions, emotions, and gestures as well as offer text size modifications, scene descriptions, and navigation assistance to adapt your content accordingly. It’s like having a digital chameleon that can seamlessly blend into any user’s preferences.

In addition to boosting your website’s accessibility, making your website more ADA compliant can help pave the way for a more inclusive digital future. And if you harness the power of AI, you’re on your way to making the digital world a better place, one pixel at a time.

Looking for more information? 

For more information or assistance with making your website ADA compliant, contact us at

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